CYA Events
Cambridge Young Astronomers is a great opportunity for children from the age of 7 to 11 to learn about Science and Astronomy from a very young age. It consists of group meetings where children have the opportunity to do fun activities while learning. Some of the speakers at the CYA are teenagers from our CA+ (Cambridge Astro Plus) events.
Location: Our events are usually held at the Institute of Astronomy (IoA)
A map and directions to the IoA are here.
Coach trips start from the IoA car park.
We often have a Star Party in September/October and will organise other events to coincide with any unusual astronomical occurrence, such as an eclipse or a bright comet.
You can join our mailing list for reminders at the bottom of this page on the footer.
- Sat, 29 MarInstitute of Astronomy
- Fri, 18 AprInstitute of Astronomy
- Sat, 19 AprInstitute of Astronomy
- Sat, 20 SeptDeparting from Institute of Astronomy