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Cambridge AstroPlus


This group meets at the IoA on Monday evenings from 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm.
Usually, the day will be the first Monday of the month, but in January we tend to delay it because of the new year. We also take a break in the summer holidays.
Each evening there will be four short talks presented by senior members of the CAA. We do experiments, some of which even work, and if it is clear, there will be some observing with the telescopes at the Institute.

This group is aimed at both our adult members and our youngsters' ages 11+. We aim for a more informal and cozy atmosphere.


Once a year we organize a trip to somewhere astronomical, such as to the National Space Center in Leicester, the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, the Science Museum in London or an IMAX cinema visit (often combined with the Science Museum visit).

We also do star parties, visits to places of interest and other events which will be listed on the website.


Upcoming Events

  • Solar eclipse event
    Solar eclipse event
    Sat, 29 Mar
    Institute of Astronomy
    A partial solar eclipse is taking place this morning. At maximum (at 11:04), approx. 42% of the sun will be covered. From Cambridge, first contact is at 10:08, so we'll be setting up solar telescopes to observe the cycle from the start. through to the end at 12:02
  • The Asteroids
    The Asteroids
    Mon, 07 Apr
    Institute of Astronomy
    Many Sci-Fi movies involve the threat to Earth from rogue asteroids, so this month we'll have a dig into the reality. What are asteroids, where are they and do they pose an existential threat to life on earth?
  • CAA Annual General Meeting
    CAA Annual General Meeting
    Fri, 18 Apr
    Institute of Astronomy
    This is your opportunity to hear how the club is going and to make suggestions. We will also be electing our committee for the forthcoming year. If you have any points you want to be raised please send them to the Chairman in advance. Also, do let us know if you'd like to get more involved.
  • CYA/CAA Visit to National Space Centre Leicester
    CYA/CAA Visit to National Space Centre Leicester
    Sat, 20 Sept
    Departing from Institute of Astronomy
    For our annual away day trip this year we are returning to the National Space Centre in Leicester, a fabulous trip in previous years and very popular

Location: Our events are usually held at the Institute of Astronomy (IoA) or via Zoom as indicated

A map and directions to the IoA are here.

Coach trips will start from the IoA car park.

We often have a Star Party in September/October and will organise other events to coincide with any unusual astronomical occurrence, such as an eclipse or a bright comet.

You can join our mailing list for reminders by filling the form below on our footer.

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