Frequently Asked Questions
To be able to give you better support, we are adding here the questions our members often ask us.
Questions and Answers
How do I renew my subscription?
How do I manage my subscription?
Why can't I login?
To renew your subscription you have to log in, go to the top right where it says your name in red and a dropdown arrow and go to "Your subscription".
You can manage everything to do with your account by logging in, then going to the top right of the screen where it says your name in red and clicking on the dropdown arrow.
Have you created an account on our website? If you have not please go to Sign Up, only do that if you are already paying for your membership by bank transfer or online. If you have not paid yet, please go here.
If you have paid by bank transfer or online and you have created an account on our website, please make sure you are using the same email address that you used when you created your account.
If you are using the same email and you still can't log in, please press "forgot password" and reset your password.
If I am a paid member already do I still have to create an account here?
Yes, this will allow you to access the content that is only for members.